VIP- AND NO-NERVE FIBRES IN THE NERVE PLEXUS OF THE ALIMENTARY TRACT OF Xenopus laevis TADPOLES(Physiology)(Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1999-12-15
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Wassersug R.j.
Dalhousie Univ.
Naitoh T.
Shimane Univ.
Yamashita M.
Inst. Space Astron. Sci.
Naitoh T.
Dept. Biol. Sci., Shimane Univ.
Yasujima Minoru
Dep. Of Lab. Medicine Hirosaki Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine
Wassersug R.
Dalhousie Univ.
Akiyoshi H.
Tottori Univ.
Naitoh T.
Dept. Of Biol. Sci. Shimane Univ.
- Effects of Strong Static Magnetic Fields on Amphibian Development and Gene Expression
- EFFECT OF A HIGH MAGNETIC FIELD ON AMPHIBIANS(Developmental Biology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 76^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Japanese Red-Bellied Newts in Space - AstroNewt Experiment on Space Shuttle IML - 2 and Space Flyer Unit
- Growth of terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc sp., on Martian Regolith Simulant and its vacuum tolerance
- The effect of hypergravity on bipolar spindle formation of meiosis II in Xenopus oocytes
- Effects of Hypergravity on Pituitary-Target Organs in the Frog, Xenopus laevis
- Morphagensis of Rice and Arabidopsis Seedlings in Space
- Morphogenesis of Rice and Arabidopsis Seedlings in Space
- Microorganisms and Plant of Autonomous Biological Systems (ABS) Samples
- Concluding Remarks of Autonomous Biologica Systems (ABS) Experiments