MO14 MODIFICATION OF THE BARAIN PATTERNS BY DOMESTICATION IN THE CARP.(Morphology)(Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 38. The Basic Studies on Hormonal Therapy for Experimental Uterine Leiomyosarcoma and Dynamics of Estrogen & Progesterone Receptors
- 72. The Effects of MTX, Epidermal Growth Factor and LH-RH on hCG Secretion in Human Choriocarcinoma Cell Line
- 180.Studies on the Transferrin Receptors of Human Placental Cell Membranes : XXX Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(VI)
- 69) Studies on Electrolytes, Water and Protein Metabolism before and after Digitalization in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure.
- 34. Ultrastructural Comparison of Human Chorioepithelioma and Induced Chorioepithelioma in Rat
- 18. Immunohistological Studies of Ovarian Tumors with Specific Antibodies to Carcinoembryonic Antigen, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Alpha Fetoprotein, Alpha_1 Antitrypsin, Human Calcitomin, Human Thyroglobulin and Isoantigen A
- 3. Immunohistochemical Study of the Malignant Change in the Uterine Cervix
- 61. A Clinicopathologic Study of Endometrial Carcinomas with Argyrophil Cell
- Structural Study of the Interfaces of Fe(Co)/AlO_x/Fe Ferromagnetic Tunnel Junctions
- 281.Evaluation of Cellular Change to Malignancy in Cervix by Tissue Localization of Blood Group Antigens, A.B.O(H) and Carcino-fetal Proteins (CEA, HCG) : XXXXVII Malignant Tumor(VII)
- MO14 MODIFICATION OF THE BARAIN PATTERNS BY DOMESTICATION IN THE CARP.(Morphology)(Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 530 The influence of Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) to the clotting, fibrinolysis and kinin-kallikrein systems.
- 45. Preparation of Bacteria Free Sperm by Multiple Layers Percoll Method and Clinical Application on AIH and IVF-ER
- 42. Effect of Kallikrein on Human Sperm Motility in vitro
- Expression of bcl-2 Gene in All Small Cell Lung Cardnomas
- UPTAKE OF GLUTAMINE AND ULTRASTRACTUAL CHANGES IN LARVAL CELLS DURING SEA URCHIN METMORPHOSIS(Endocrinology)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- Ultrastructural study of larval cell death during metamorphosis of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus(Endocrinology)(Proceeding of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)