- 論文の詳細を見る
Transplantation experiments including four different combinations of hosts and grafts were carried out to examine whether the constituent cells of a new pharynx induced by the head transplanted into the postpharyngeal region come from the graft or from the host : (I) ^3H-uridine labeled head into normal host, (II) labeled head into X-irradiated host, (III) normal head into labeled host, (IV) normal head into labeled and irradiated host. Autoradiographs of the worms in experiments (I) and (II) showed that some silver grains were present in the unlabeled host regions surrounding the labeled grafts, but that they were not necessarily concentrated in the tissues of the new pharynges induced in the hosts. The autoradiographical examination of experiments (III) and (IV) showed that the distribution density of silver grains in the newly formed pharynges was almost equal to their general density in the labeled host tissues. Therefore, it is suggested that even in cases in which the hosts were irradiated by X-ray, most of the constituent cells of the induced pharynges came from the host tissues.
- 1981-09-25
論文 | ランダム
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