- 論文の詳細を見る
Cytological studies of the funa (Carassius carassius), the loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) and their hybrids were carried out with squash preparations of the cleavage cells at the blastula stage. In the cross, funa♀×loach♂, as well as in the reciprocal cross, neither the spindles of blastomeres nor the behavior of chromosomes showed anything irregular. It was also observed that the diploid number of chromosomes was 94 in the funa, and 52 in the loach, and that the chromosomes of both species were morphologically indistinguishable, both being short and slender rod-shaped in general appearance. The hybrids from the cross, funa♀×loach♂, and also those from the reciprocal one, showed 73 chromosomes in blastomeres, which clearly correspond to a total sum of the haploid numbers of the parent fishes.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1965-08-15
- フナとドジョウの正逆両雑種の染色体についての研究
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- ドジョウ卵子の卵膜除去について
- ドジョウ精子の凍結保存(予報)(発生)
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- サケ科魚類の異種交雑に於ける受精の細胞学的観察(発生・実験形態)
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- 北海道産トミヨの交雑(全分科)
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- ドジヨウの体色の變異と緋ドジヨウと黒色ドジヨウの一代雑種について(組織・實驗形態・遺傳)
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