- 論文の詳細を見る
To obtain accurate results in fields of anatomical, physiological, genetical and medical investigations, it is essential to select and use purelybred experimental animals kept under standardized condition. Their production is therefore a serious and worth-while task for the advance of biology and medicine. To answer this reguest, the Makino Laboratory, Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, has maintained, under the care and direction of Professor Sajiro Makino, several stockes of rats, and mice for research purposes in order to provide the necessary material for biological and medical investigations carried on in this laboratory as well as in others. Nine strains of rats have been maintained in our animal house, under closely inbred conditions : they are the Wistar-strain, Wistar-King-A-strain, Fischer-344-strain, Buffalo-strain, Long-Evans-strain, Tokyo-strain, Gifu-strain, Gifu-agouti-strain, and Wayne's pink-eyed-hooded-strain. The maintainance of each stock has been made by means of sister-brother matings and selections with particular regards to litter-size, fertility, growth, body-weight, and -size and resistance to diseases. The present paper gives an outline of some numerical data pertaining to litter-size and post-mortality, based on a total of 1017 litters containing 7050 new borns, in nine strains of rats. The results are as shown in Table 1. In the light of the numerical data presented, it is apparent that the litter-size and post-mortality is controlled by genetical as well as environmental factors.
- 1963-02-15
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