ウサギの硬糞と軟糞, それらと肛門腺分泌物および盲腸内容物の関係
- 論文の詳細を見る
The anal glands are flattened bodies, each about 1.5cm long and 0.7cm wide, lying on both sides of the rectum. They vary in wet weight from 0.04 to 0.09g with the individual. The gland cells possess numerous rod-like mitochondria (Fig.1) and a well-developed Golgi net (Fig.2). They include a number of lipidic secretion droplets, which are discharged on intravenous injection of pilocarpine (Figs.3, 4). Animals, which had been deprived of their anal glands, produced dry, pellet-like feces as well as feces of soft, mucous type and swallowed the latterdirectly from the anus in the same manner as normal animals. Hence, although the secretion of the glands no doubt lubricates dry feces, it does not seem indispensable for defecation. Also, it cannot be an immediate incentive to coprophagy.Soft feces diminished definitely in amount in the animal whose cecum was ligatured, and it was also the case with the animal who underwent the same operation presumably until the communication between the cecum and the colon was reestablished afterwards. Hence, it is highly probable that the soft feces is derived fromthe contents of the cecum.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1961-08-15
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