フナCyprinus auratusの孵化腺の形態と発生
- 論文の詳細を見る
1) In the embryos just before hatching of the teleost fish, Cyprinus auratus, the unicellular hatchinmg glands, 700-800 in number, are found in the epithelium covering the surface of the lower lateral sides of the trunk and the yolk sac. On either side of the trunk, the glandular area begins at the nostril and extends caudally to a point a little anterior to the anus. The epithelium of the greater part of the yolk cac contains the hatching glands, only that of the posteroventral part of the sac being free from the glands (Fig. 6). 2) All the glands are derived from the ectodermal cells on both sides of the trunk in the areas mentioned above and the gland cells on the yolk sac are thosc which have differentiated there from mother cells migrated from the trunk cpithelium. 3) By the time of hatching, the majority of the glands have finished discharging the cytoplasmic granulcs and, at one day after hatching, the fish are divoid of any gland cells.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1955-09-15
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- フナCyprinus auratusの孵化腺の形態と発生