- 論文の詳細を見る
The present experiments deals with the imaginal differentiation, by testing the hormonic effects of the brains remorved from the late 5th instar larvae to the early pupal stage. Throughout the experiments the temperature was kept at 24°-25℃. As indicated in Tables 1, 2 and Fig. 1, the imaginal differentiation did not appeared in the operated specimens at before mounting stage (=96 hours before pupating), but after the 6th day after pupating (=120 hours after pupating) pupae were always shown to develop to imagines. Among those operated specimens during the early prepupal stage (=72 hours before pupating) to the 4th day (=70 hours after pupating) pupae, the imaginal differentiation was observed in some of the pupae but others did not develop to the imagines. The imaginal differentiation at these periods took the more prolonged periods in a few specimens when they are compared with these operated at after the 6th day after pupating-at 4 or 13 hours after pupating, some of the operated specimens required the elongation of developing period for the imaginal differentiation (272 days). From the results of the experiments, as in the followings: 1) Some of the specimens operated at the period before pupating, occationaly developed to imagines, the imaginal differentiation hormone at the region of prothoracic gland was found to be continually secreted at the developing periods after pupation, being stimulated by the activation of the hormone. 2) The brain secrets a hormone which requires for the normal development to imaginal differentiation at the periods until the 120 hours after pupating. 3) The imaginal differentiation is retarded in the operated individuals, at the period before 70 hours after pupating. Apparently due to the decrease of prothoracic gland secreation by the brain hormone, and also due to the accumulation of a sufficient quantity of the prothoracic gland hormone which required obviously the more prolonged developing periods in these operated specimens than in the normal developing specimens.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1955-08-15
- ショウジョウバエの触角異常(遺伝・細胞・生態)
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