Caligus cordiventris Shiinoの雄について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The male of Caligus cordiventris Shiino is described for the first time in this paper. It is 1.75mm long and 1.11mm wide and has carapace resembling that of the female. Fourth thoracic segment is small, transversely linear, angular on each side, and distinct from genital segment. The latter is 3/8 as broad as carapace, about 3/4 as long as its own width, nearly hexagonal, being widest at posterior 2/3 of its length. It is furnished, at the widest part on each side, with a small unguiform process which probably represents the 5th leg rudiment, and, just behind this, with a rod-like, bifurcate process, accompanying 2 plumose spines, this being the 6th leg rudiment. The segment carries, further, at its posterior end and on either side of the abdomen, a pair of short, blunt papillae, each tipped with 2 spines. Abdomen is short, 1-segmented. Apical joint of the 2nd antennae is bifurcate, and the 2nd joint bears an oval, corrugate disk. Palm of the 2nd maxillipeds has a sharp, spinelike process near the base and a small obtuse one close to the base of finger. The latter is sharp, attaining near the basal spine on the palm. Otherwise as in the female.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1955-03-15
- 綜合討論(形態学・分類学・原生動物学)
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