ヘンゲボヤの心臟の生理学的研究X : 人為的な方法による心搏の交代
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The reversal of heart beat in Polycitor mutabilis can be produced by the artificial mechanical pressure, change of temperature, injury, electric stimulation, drugs and ions. This reversal occurs from advisceral to abvisceral in general. 2. The normal reversal of heart-beat can not be abolished by these methods. They are considered to affect only the periodicity of the reversal. 3. The extinction of the reversal was observed only when one center stopped beating or the transmission of both contraction waves disappeared at a middle portion of the heart. 4. When the activity of the advisceral center is stronger than that of the abvisceral (at the time of budding or debility) these treatments produce the same effect on the reversal as observed in the normal heart in which the activity of the abvisceral center is stronger. 5. These observations in Polycitor seem to be compatible with the observations that in Salpa fusiformis and Perophora orientalis the reversal is caused by the periodic change of the activity of the center and is regulated by the blockade of the activity of one center produced by the impulses transmitted from another.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1955-02-15
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- ヘンゲボヤの心臟の生理学的研究X : 人為的な方法による心搏の交代
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