日本産Euplotes woodruffi GawについてI. : 形態, 接合及び分裂における大核の特異なる現象
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As the descriptions of Euplotes woodruffi Gaw by Pierson (1943) resemble my observations remarkably in several ways, I am inclined to think my material with his despite certain discrepancies between my observations and his. The general morphological features of this species are its branched T-shaped macronucleus, a rather wide peristomal plate, a wide triangular peristome and a sigmoid curved membranelles. But it differs in some points; the position of micronucleus, and the types of anal cirri and membranelles. At binary fission, the three reoganization bands appear and the anterior daughter nucleus branches the right and left arms at the same time, but the posterior daughter nucleus is C-shaped at first and they produce the left arm later. At conjugation, the macronucleus develops the ritht and left arms at the same time and micronucleus undrgoes once preliminary division, thrice pregamic diuision, and twice postzygotic division.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1955-10-15
- 78. Arginase の免疫化学的考察
- 41. Quantitative immunoelectrophoresis を用いる脳組織内血清量の測定
- S2. 顕微螢光測定法の螢光抗体法への応用 (組織細胞化学の臨床的応用)
- 2. 顕微螢光測光法による水晶体分化過程の解析(水晶体における細胞分化と形態形成)
- 螢光抗体法による筋蛋白の発生学的研究 : 発生における細胞分裂と分化
- 2. 螢光抗体法によるニワトリ lens crystallin の研究
- 日本産Euplotes woodruffi GawについてII. : Hemixis
- 日本産Euplotes woodruffi GawについてI. : 形態, 接合及び分裂における大核の特異なる現象