- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The experiments were performed to determine the difference in glycogen-contents between normal and lithium-treated embryos of the frog, Rana rugosa and R. nigromaculata. The concentration of lithium chloride solution used for treatment was 1/14 M. The durations of treatment varied from case to case, and were generally 4-8 hours. The glycogen-content was determined by means of medified Hagedorn-Jensen's method. 2. From morula to yolk-plug stage, glycogen-content of Rana rugosa rises steadily and there is an apparent drop in tail-bud stage. 3. The glycogen-content of lithium-treated embryos of Rana rugosa and R. nigromaculata is commonly at a high level compared with that of non-treated ones, i. e., lithium reduces glycogenolysis of embryos. 4. As far as the present evidence is concerned, it is difficult to decide whether the reduction of glycogenolysis is the cause or the consequence of the malformation produced by means of lithium treatment.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1954-02-15
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