ヘンゲボヤの心臟の生理學的研究 : VI.アドレナリンの作用
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1) The action of adrenaline on the intact heart of Polycitor mutabilis has been studied. 2) Adrenaline produces an acceleratory reaction on the frequency of abvisceral heart-beats, where as it produces a negative chronotropic action on the advisceral heart-beats at high concentration (Tab.1). 3) The direction of advisceral heart-beats generally reverses immediately after the application of adrenaline. 4) The total numbers of beats in each phase does not always correlate with the frequency of heart-beats in the same phase (Tab.2). 5) There are some resemblances between the activity of the advisceral center and that of a certain molluscan heart.
- 1953-02-15
論文 | ランダム
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