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In this paper I wish to record five gregarines from some Coleoptera collected at several places of Yamaguchi Prefec., which contain two new species and three known ones. I. Gregarina lypropsi n. sp. Host: Lyprops sinensis Marseul. Habitat: Intestine. Sporonts biassociative, elongate, tape-like. Maximum length of association 2mm, maximum width 90μ. Ratio of protomerite length (LP): total primite length (TL) =1:15〜34, protomerite width (WP): deutomerite width (WD) =1:1.2〜1.4. Primite-Protomerite hemispherical, widest at middle, a little wider than high, broadly rounded or rather flattened anteriorly, deep constriction at septum. Deutomerite widest at a portion little posterior to septum, tapering slightly and ending in a broadly rounded posterior extremity. Epimerite a simple papilla. Body brownish, endocyte not dense. Nucleus ellipsoidal, 50×25μ, with one karyosome. Cyst spherical, 250〜170μ in diameter. Spore ducts 8〜12, 40〜50μ in length. Spore extruded in chain dolioform, 6×4μ. 2. Hirmocystis mirabilis n. sp. Host: Lyprops sinensis Marseul Habitat, Intestine. Sporonts in association of two to nine, arranged linearly or bi-and tri-furcated, large individuals always at anterior end of chain. Cylindrical. Maximum length of association 1.6mm, maximum width 70μ. Primite-Protomerite dome-shaped, apex rounded, width equal to height, widest at base, constricted a little at septum, Deutomeriite elongate, cylindrical, widest at middle. Well rounded at the posterior end but its central portion with a small conical process, fitted into a deep concavity of satellite. Nucleus spherical with one karyosome. One chromidial body in the protomerite of every sporont. Endocyte brownish, dense. Cyst and spore yet unknown. 3. Lyprops sinensis Malseul was recorded as a host of Steinina obconica Ishii. The parasite was measured and described from living specimens. 4. Gregarina cuneata Stein had been reported by Ishii and Mine from Tribolium ferrugineum Fab. and Te ebrio sp. in Japan. This species was found in the intestine of larvae of Tenbrio molitor L. Sporonts are a little more slender and longer than those described by Ishii and Mine. 5. Pyxinia mobuszi Leger and Duboscq was also newly recorded from Japan from the intestine of Anthrenus verbaci L. and its larvae. For mesurements see Table 5. The largest sporont measured 430μ in length, but in average 200μ in length and 40μ in width. LP:TL=1:7, WP:WD=1:1, in average.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1951-08-15
- ChilopodaのGregarinidesについてI
- 綜合討論(分類学・形態学・原生動物学)
- 綜合討論(分類学・形態学・原生動物学)
- 毛翅目幼虫に寄生する簇虫類について(分類・形態・生態)
- 直翅類に寄生する簇虫について(分類)(分類学・形態学・原生動物学)
- Amphipodaに寄生する有頭簇虫について(形態学・分類学・原生動物学)
- 邦産Ophryocystis属の簇虫について(細胞・形態・原生動物)
- 日本産昆虫に寄生する簇虫について(VII)
- 日本産昆虫に寄生する簇虫についてVI
- 日本産昆虫に寄生する簇虫について-6・7-
- 日本産昆虫に規制する簇虫についてV.
- 日本産昆虫に寄生する簇虫について(III)
- 日本産昆虫に寄生する簇虫について(2)
- 瀬戸内地方の甲殻類につく簇虫類
- 日本産昆虫に寄生する〓虫について(1)