日本産ドヂャウ科Cobitidae魚類の性徴とその分類の考察(II).Cobitis taenia japonica SCHLEGELに就て
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In the present paper an account is given of the sexual dimorphism of a Japanese spinous loach, C. taenia japonica SCHLEGEL, and of its taxonomical status, as based on the sexual characters. According to my observations, the present species possesses rather allied sexual characters to those of the other Japanese spinous loaches, C. biwae JORDAN and SNYDER and C. taenia striata IKEDA. However, the more striking differences between them are as follow. Male. The second pectoral fin ray is broader and longer than the others, so that the pectoral fin of the male is relatively longer than that of the female. But such a elongation of the second ray is not so much conspicuous as in a case of C. biwae JORDAN and SNYDER, and the shape of the pectoral fin is generally more roundish than that of C. biwae JORDAN and SNYDER. In the matured specimen, the lamina circularis is seen at the base of the second pectoral fin ray. This bony plate, which is simple and marginally denticulate, does not show the partition as in a case of C. biwae JORDAN and SNYDER. Such a shape of the lamina circularis, which agrees with that of C. taenia sinensis SAUVAGE and DABRY DE THIERSANT dercribed by V. D. Vladykov (1935), differs from that of C. taenia striata IKEDA, which is simlar to that of C. taenia taenia LINNAEUS reported by the same author (1935). During the spawning period, the small nuptial tubercles are present on the rays of the pectoral fin. Female. In the female, the above-mentioned sexual characters are not seen. As the result of the observations on the specimens taken near Nagasaki by C. J. TEMMINCK and H. SCHLEGEL (1846), they regard the Japanese spinous loach as a subspecies of the European species, C. taenia japonica SCHLEGEL. D. S. JORDAN and J. O. SNYDER (1901) mention that the spinous loach near Nagasaki and the one near Lake Biwa should be combined into the same species, and substituted for C. taenia japonica SCHLEGEL the name of C. biwae. D. S. JORDAN and H. W. FOWLER (1903) combine three spinous loaches, C. taenia LINNAEUS, C. sinensis SAUVAGE and DE THLERSANT and C. biwae JORDAN and SNYDER, into one species, C. taenia LINNAEUS. I (1936) suggest too that a spotted form with the lateral bands broken up into the spots, which is obtained in the Chikugo and described by D. S. JORDAN and H. W. FOWLER (1903), appears to me the same species with a similar spotted one in Shikoku and Honshu. Comparing the sexual characters of each, I suggest that C. taenia japonica SCHLEGEL (1846) is composed of two subspecies, C. taenia japonica SCHLEGEL proper (the spotted form) and C. taenia striata IKEDA (the striped form). And the spotted spinous loach of the Chikugo seems to be regarded as C. taenia japonica SCHLEGEL proper and to be distinguished from a similar spotted one of Shikoku and Honshu, C. biwae JORDAN and SNYDER.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1937-01-15
- 日本産ドヂャウ科魚類ノ雌雄性徴と其分類に就て : III. フクドヂャウ Barbatula toni oreas : JORDAN and FOWLER
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