土木地質におけるリモートセンシングの活用に関する一考察 : リニアメント判読と地すべり危険域の評価(<特集>応用地質における画像処理・解析)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Application method of satellite remote sensing for engineering geology were examined. Literature survey revealed the present condition of application of remote sensing fcr engineering geology. Two examples were studied on the bassis of literature survey. One was the study of identify of lineaments using remote sensing data, while the other was the prediction of landslide. 1 ) To identify of lineaments : The lineaments which were identified through interpretation of LANDSAT TM images were coincide with those identified through aerial photographs. It was found more effective to survey lineaments using both data. 2) To predict landslides : The regions suspectible to landslide were predicted using LANDSAT TM data and digital geographic information. Land cover classification data and vegitation index were caluculated from remote sensing data. It was confirmed more effective to predict the regions suspectible to landslide.
- 一般社団法人日本応用地質学会の論文
- 1994-02-10
笠 博義
笠 博義
黒台 昌弘
石川 博久
黒台 昌弘
株式会社 ジオスケープ
黒台 昌弘
黒台 昌弘
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