- 論文の詳細を見る
Asamushi is a famous coastal spa in the Northeastern provinces of Japan. Several years ago, the number of ponors was amounted 106 or so in the area. Recently, according to the unreasonable development, the pressure decrease of thermal water and also the intrusion of sea water have occured. The writers studied on the balneogeological character of the "low-thermal water", which has been enterprised by the ponor combination association to mix with "high-thermal water" for the proper contribution. The suvey of sub-surface geology, electric prospecting, boring, pumping test etc. were taken place in the area where "the lowthermal water" was presumed to be stored and then the chemical and physical characters of the water, the storage and the geology concerned were studied. Consequently, "the low-thermal water"was considerd to be a kind of underflow whose conduit take a form as like as a valley turning away northeards from the present river course. The chemical charactre of "the low-thermal water" is more or less differnt from "the thermal water", but its storage is comparatively large, even though the water is rather cold within the upper part of aquifer.
- 1967-09-01
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