- 論文の詳細を見る
The deformation and movement developed by the geological structure in some regions yield faults, fractures, folds and so on. Therefore approach to the strength properties of rock mass is led by the understanding of the orientations of strength anisotropy of rocks due to these geological structures. In this paper the authors described the result of an experimental study on the change of strength and deformation characteristics with water absorption, taking their anisotropy into account. On the one hand tensile strength of rocks has been determined by the point load test on untrimmed test specimens to know the influence of water absorption to strength. On the other hand elastic wave velocities of specimens have been measured and the dynamic moduli E_d have been calculated in view of their deformation anisotropy. The tensile strength is denoted "σ_<ta>" and "σ_<tc>" respectively in the direction normal and parallel to the discontinuity planes such as joint surfaces. Similarly the dynamic modulus in the direction normal to the discontinuity planes is called "E_<da>" and that parallel to them "E_<dc>". The results obtained as to the dynamic modulus and point load test are summarized as follows:-(1) Degree of strength anisotropy shown by point load test, "σ_<ta>/σ_<tc>" and that by dynamic modulus, "E_<da>/E_<dc>" correlate nearly with a straight line. (2) While degree of anisotropy of dynamic modulus "E_<da>/E_<dc>" is decreased, that of strength anisotropy "σ_<ta>/σ_<tc>" is increased when water is taken into discontinuity planes.
- 一般社団法人日本応用地質学会の論文
- 1975-09-30
- 遠隔非接触振動計測による岩盤斜面評価手法に関する基礎的検討(地震時応答解析と耐震性評価)
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- 908.岩盤分離面の表面形状とセン断強さとの関連(岩盤の調査および計測)
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- 調査および土の性質, 岩の問題 : 第1日 午前の部 第3会場(第6回土質工学研究発表会講演要旨および一般報告)
- 応用地質の立場
- 第4回岩の力学国内シンポジウム
- 岩盤工学の変遷と岩盤調査の体系化(岩盤調査)
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- 土木地質(学)の道 : その2 新地質学への活路
- 文献紹介
- 1. 地質学・社会における立場 : 土木地質(学)の道(その1)
- 建設省土木研究所の所掌業務紹介
- ダム基礎岩盤の弾性係数測定について