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Recently, the relationship between lineaments and fracture systems has been discussed by some statistic approach. In this study, the criterias for the interpretation of lineaments using Landsat TM, Spot and aerial photograph imagery are proposed for the detection of fractured zones through lineaments. In order to clarify this criteria which are divided into 6 ranks, ranging from A to F, the six sites including USA are studied. Field evidence shows that many lineaments coincide with faults or joints and it's probability of the coincidence between lineaments and faults or joints is restricted by the length of lineaments. The lineaments length of the 100 percent probability to coincide lineaments with faults or joints agree with the linear part which is called fractal distribution in the relationship between lineaments length and frequency. In addition, the relationship between lineaments criteria and the width of the fractured zones have a good harmony. High ranking lineaments are very useful in the interpretation of geological structures.
- 一般社団法人日本応用地質学会の論文
- 1992-08-10
桜田 裕之
井上 大榮
電力中研 我孫子研
井上 大栄
井上 大榮
財団法人電力中央研究所 我孫子研究所
水落 幸広
住友金属鉱山(株)資源事業部技術部 資源分室
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