本邦産カブトエビTriops longicaudatus (LECONTE)の生活史 : I.分布と性徴ならびに生殖
- 論文の詳細を見る
Six different populations of Triops longicaudatutus (LECONTE) in Japan examined by the author may belong to two different groups according to some morphological features and the mode of reproduction. A considerable number of specimens collected during 1963-1965 from Matsumoto, Suzuka, Sakai and Tokushima contained no males, while the specimens from Numazu and Tottori consisted of both sexes, males occurring in a very high proportion (Table 1). The mode of reproduction has been studied histologically by using the material from Matsumoto and Numazu. Ovotestes in which testis lobes contained cells of various stages from spermatogonia to sperms were found in the females from the former locality.This suggests that the Matsumoto pooulation may consist of hermaphroditic individuals. The females from Numazu, however, were normally unable to lay eggs in the absence of males, but immature testis lobes were scarcely found in the gonads of females. It has been successfully confirmed that females from that locality have laid viable eggs for certain generations in the isolation from males. The result suggests a change from a bisexual to a hermaphroditic mode of reproduction.
- 1966-06-15
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- 本邦産カブトエビTriops longicaudatus (LECONTE)の生活史 : I.分布と性徴ならびに生殖
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