プラナリア, Dugesia japonicaの眼の微細構造II. : 盃状色素体について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study was carried out as a further observation of the ultrastructure of the eye in D. japonica, with special reference to the eye pigment cell. The contact surface between the adjacent eye pigment cells became intricate and their cell membranes were strongly attached with each other by septate desmosomes. The eye pigment cell had small mitochondria, a Golgi apparatus and vesicular smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. The endoplasmic reticulum often represented the enlarged cisternae which continued through the narrow channels. The eye pigment cell was packed with numerous black pigment granules. Each pigment granule was about 1μ in diameter and was enclosed by a limiting membrane. The granule was integrated with subdivided particles of 50 mμ in diameter. Besides, other two kinds of granules were found in the pigment cell. The one (designated α granule) was enclosed in a limiting membrane, in which the very small particles of 50Å in diameter were contained. The other (designated β granule) included the complicated membranous content. At present, it is impossible to interprete the nature of these granules. The pigment cell cytoplasm extending to the edge of so-called "opening region" of the pigment cup was pigmentless and rather vacuolous.
- 1966-02-15
- プラナリアの再生における形態形成機構の再検討(発生学)
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- プラナリア, Dugesia japonicaの眼の微細構造II. : 盃状色素体について
- プラナリア, Dugesia japonica, の眼の微細構造 : I.視細胞先端部について
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