アオムシコマユバチApanteles glomeratus L.の寄生をうけたモンシロチヨウ幼虫Pieris rapae crucivora BOISDUVAL体液内にみられる巨細胞の起源 : II.巨細胞の起源の決定とその生物学的意義について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Eggs of Apanteles glomeratus were laid in the 2 instar larvae of Pieris rapae crucivora, and the parasitized host larvae were incubated at 20℃. Under these conditions, the formaion of blastula occurred approximately 59-60 hours after oviposition. The blastoderm differentiated ventrally and laterally into the germ band and dorsally into the extraembryonic blastoderm, from which developed the serosa. The serosa was complete in about 63-hour embryos. The embryonic membrane of Apanteles glomeratus is only the serosa. The anterior and postrior serosa of the embryo are composed of hypertrophied serosal cells, and giant cells in the body fluid of Pieris rapae crucivora attacked by Apanteles glomeratus originate from these anterior and posterior cells of the serosa. We determined the scattered diagram for the diameter of giant cells and the number of parasite larvae in a host to have a correlation coefficient -0.3615. This suggests that there may be some competition between the giant cells and the parasite larvae, or between giant cells themselves for the absorption of nutrient. Many observations showed that a great number of giant cells were still in the body cavity of the host after emergence of the parasite larvae. Giant cells may constitute the food of the parasite larva in tis later stages. But it is also possible from the above-mentioned facts that the giant cell formation has no adaptative meaning for the parasite larva. It is difficult from the present data to determine the biological significance of giant cells.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1965-06-15
- F-102 中学校理科における「生物のつながり」の教材と指導法の研究 : 2.テントウムシを用いた生殖、遺伝の観察・実験
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- アオムシコマユバチApanteles glomeratus L.の寄生をうけたモンシロチョウ幼虫Pieris rapae crucivora BOISDUVAL体液内にみられる巨細胞の数について
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- A36 アオムシコマユバチ幼虫に対するタマナキンウワバ幼虫の"Cuticular encystment"について(天敵・生物的防除)
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- アオムシコマユバチの寄生をうけたモンシロチョウ幼虫体液内にみられる巨細胞の起原
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