- 論文の詳細を見る
It is known that animal tissues have the capacity to induce tissue differentiation when they act upon amphibian presumptive ectoderm, and that the inductive effects are characteristic for each tissue. It is also well known that the mesoderm-inducing effect is unstable and becomes modified to a neural-inducing state under certain conditions, such as heating and X-ray irradiation. Such a modification of a tissue-specific inductive capacity by physiological conditions adds special interest to a search for the cyto-physiological meaning of the inductive agents in adult mammalian cells. In order to discover the relation between cell multiplication in animal tissues and the nature of its inductive effect, the present experiment was performed using as inductor splenic tissues removed from rats immunized against albumin and a 2-day-old rat. The spleen of immunized rats was hypertrophied (about twice as heavy as that of a normal rat), and the inductive effect of the tissue had changed to become more mesodermal, especially in the case of red pulp (Fig. 1). The spleen of the 2-day-old rat also gave a stronger mesodermal effect than the adult tissue (Fig. 3). These results are discussed in connection with the multiplicative activity of the immunized rat tissues; that is, the authors conclude that the increase in mesoderm-inducing effectiveness might be due to protein newly produced as the result of an increase in cell division activity.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1963-04-15
- Xenopus胚単離細胞─特にその仁─に対するアクチノマイシンの作用(発生)
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