- 論文の詳細を見る
Changes in the surface structure on the third ventricular wall near the arcuate nucleus were studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy (TEM and SEM). By TEM the nerve endings, including numerous dense-cored vesicles and synaptic vesicles, appeared and disappeared with various stages of the estrous cycle. At proestrous, small axon-like structures were observed, while at estrous, large axon-like structures were observed. At postestrous, however, they entirely disappeared. The structures of the third ventricular wall near the arcuate nucleus in mice treated with 17-β estradiol were found to be similar to those at proestrous. SEM observations of estrous mice revealed long axon-like structures in the same portion as shown under TEM, but were observed not in diestrous mice. The axon-like structures were closely connected with ependymal cells and they were surrounded by microvilli of ependymal cells. The structures extended toward the floor of the third ventricle.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1979-09-25
慶野 裕美
愛知県コロニー発達障害研究所 形態学部門
慶野 裕美
清水 宏次
山崎 嘉朗
清水 宏次
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