- 論文の詳細を見る
The staining property of cortical cytoplasm and the ooplasmic accumulation at the animal and vegetal poles, i.e. the appearance of pole plasm, were studied in the deposited eggs of the freshwater oligochaete, Tubifex hattai. Upon fertilization, the vitelline membrane was elevated from the protoplasmic surface of the egg. Concurrently with this process, the affinity of the cortical cytoplasm to hematoxylin decreased. Soon afterwards, however, the affinity was recovered. Beneath the entire egg surface, the thickness of the cortical cytoplasmic layer, stained moderately with hematoxylin, was fairly uniform. Thereafter the egg underwent the deformation movement twice. During the second deformation movement, the cortical layer at the equatorial region of the egg became thin and achromatic, while it was thick and showed a strong affinity to hematoxylin at the animal and vegetal poles. After the movement ceased, the egg nucleus and its neighbouring cytoplasm mitgrated to the center of the egg. During this process, the increase in the thickness of the cortical layer at the poles became more and more evident, which gave rise to the appearance of a yolk-free cytoplasmic mass, i.e. pole plasm.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1976-03-25
- 65) 非定型的BWG症候群の1治験例(日本循環器学会 第156回関東甲信越地方会)
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