- 論文の詳細を見る
To study and clarify interspecific interaction or habitat segregation between two species of shrew-moles, Urotrichus talpoides TEMMINCK, 1839 and Dymecodon pilirostris TRUE, 1887, an investigation was carried on June and September, 1969 in 0.5-hectare grid (1, @100m in altitude) established over both forest-soil region and lava-flows region lacking for soil near Fuji Fuketsu lava cave in Aokigahara Marubi at the base of Mt. Fuji, Yamanashi Prefecture, Honshu, by using capture-recapture method. U. talpoides occured in the forest-soil region and D. pilirostris in the lava-flows region, the boundary line of distribution of the two species exactly coinciding with that of the two regions in the grid. This result leads to the conclusion that, in general, soil condition is the important factor underlying habitat segregation between the two species, and that U. talpoides which is more specialized for fossorial life is less advantageous in the comptition at a poor-soiled area than less specialized species, D. pilirostris. Consequently when the two species are in competition on the stage where is a transition of soil from poor to rich, D. pilirostris lives in the poorer region than a certain level and U. talpoides in the richer; the level itself is determined by the competition between the two species, thus materializing the habitat segregation relatively stable between the two species.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1972-01-15
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