- 論文の詳細を見る
The basal-granulated cells have been studied in the stomach and small intestine using both electron and fluorescence microscopy, but few reports have been published on those of the gallbladder. Basal-granulated cells in the mouse gallbladder were examined by electron microscopy. Characteristic pleomorphic granules similar to those of enterochromaffin cells (EC cells) in the small intestine were found within the basal-granulated cells of the gallbladder. This finding along with another report on the existence of round-shaped granules within the basal-granulated cells (D-like cells) in the gallbladder suggested that two types of basal-granulated cells (EC cells and D-like cells) were present in mouse gallbladder. The filaments in the cores of microvilli extended to the neck portion, suggesting a relationship to the movement of microvilli. An interaction may exist between the basal-granulated cells and the mucous cells since the basal-granulated cell was always found between the mucous cells, and since the EC cells were known to secrete serotonin which is involved in mucous secretion.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1983-09-25
- ラット顎下神経節ニューロンに対する塩酸パロキセチン(パキシル^【○!R】)の影響に関する免疫組織化学的研究 : 第2報 経時的変化に関する免疫組織化学的研究
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