(3) Current Status of Spent Radiation Source Management in Japan : Safe Management of Spent Radiation Source
Yonehara Hidenori
National Inst. Radiological Sci. Chiba Jpn
Nuclear Safety Division, Science and Technology Policy Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport
- Japanese Individual Risks of Radon Induced Lung Cancer for Different Exposure Profiles
- Determination of Radionuclides Produced by Neutrons in Heavily Exposed Workers of the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura for Estimating an Individual's Neutron Fluence
- Determination of U Isotopes in Soil and Plant Samples Collected in JCO Campus after the Criticality Accident
- Measurement of radionuclides in blood, urine and vomit samples collected from three heavily exposed patients of the Tokai-mura criticality accident and the estimation of an individual's neutron fluence.
- The Use of Brick Samples for Retrospective Dosimetry based on Thermoluminiscence Method in the Novozybkov area of Bransk region affected due to Chernobyl Accident
- (3) Current Status of Spent Radiation Source Management in Japan : Safe Management of Spent Radiation Source