Time Slot Assignment for Cellular SDMA/TDMA Systems with Adaptive Antennas(Wireless Communication Technology)
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This paper presents time slot assignment algorithms applicable to uplink of space division multiple access (SDMA)/time division multiple access (TDMA) systems with adaptive antennas. In the time slot assignment process for a new terminal in a cell, we consider not only the signal quality of the new terminal but also that of active terminals in the same cell. Intra-cell hand over is performed for an active terminal when its signal quality deteriorates. We evaluate the blocking and forced termination probabilities for pure TDMA systems, sectorized systems, and SDMA/TDMA systems in cellular environments by computer simulations. The simulation results show that the SDMA/TDMA systems have much better performance than the pure TDMA and sectorized systems.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2004-04-01
賈 雲健
HARA Shinsuke
Department of Applied Electronics, Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology, Tokyo University of
Hara S
The Department Of Electronic Information And Energy Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka
Hara Shinsuke
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka City University
HARA Yoshitaka
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
JIA Yunjian
Department of Electronic, Information System and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,
Jia Yunjian
Department Of Electronic Information System And Energy Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Os
Jia Yunjian
Hitachi Central Research Laboratory
Hara Y
Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology Centre Europe B. V. (ite)
NABETANI Toshihisa
Department of Electrics, Information Systems and Energy Engineering, Osaka University
Nabetani Toshihisa
Department Of Electrics Information Systems And Energy Engineering Osaka University
Hara Shinsuke
Department Of Applied Electronics Faculty Of Industrial Science And Technology Tokyo University Of S
Hara Yoshitaka
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Kamakura‐shi Jpn
Hara Shinsuke
Osaka City Univ.
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