Visible Light Emission from Nanocrystalline Silicon Embedded in CaF_2 Layers on Si(111)(Special Issue on Quantum Effect Devices and Their Fabrication Technologies)
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We report on the formation technique and the first observation of visible light emission from silicon nanoparticles (<10nm) embedded in CaF_2 layers grown on Si(111) substrates by using codeposition of Si and CaF_2. It is shown that the size and density of silicon particles embedded in the CaF_2 layer can be controlled by varying the substrate temperature and the evaporation rates of CaF_2 and Si. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra of Si nanoparticles embedded in CaF_2 thin films were investigated. The blue or green light emissions obtained using a He-Cd laser (λ= 325 nm) could be seen with the naked eye even at room temperature for the first time. It is shown that the PL intensity strongly depends on growth conditions such as the Si : CaF_2 flux ratio and the growth temperature. The PL spectra were also changed by in situ annealing process. These phenomena can be explained qualitatively by the quantum size effect of Si nanoparticles embedded in CaF_2 barriers
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1996-11-25
Asada Masahiro
The Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Te
Iizuka Fumitaka
Tokyo Institute Of Technology:taiyo Yuden Co. Ltd.
the Research Center for Quantum Effect Electronics
IIZUKA Fumitaka
the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of
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