Effects of air gaps on butt-joints between isotropic and anisotropic planar waveguides
- 論文の詳細を見る
Power transmission properties are investigated for a butt-joint which contains an air gap between an isotropic planar waveguide and an anisotropic one whose optical axis is lying in the plane defined by the propagation axis and the normal of the waveguide surface. New transmission coefficients are introduced for estimating the optical-power which is launched out into the gap from the incoming waveguide. Wave propagation through the gap is analyzed on the basis of the BPM concept. And the power transmitted across the interface between the gap and the outgoing waveguide is evaluated by means of the overlap integral of the field profiles. The effects of the air gap and the refractive index of filling liquid as well as axial displacement and angular misalignment are discussed on the basis of numerical results.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1993-08-25
Hotta Masashi
Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
Hotta Masashi
Faculty Of Engineering Ehime University
Geshiro Masahiro
Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
Kanoh Katsuaki
Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
Kanetake Haruo
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Co. LTD.
Geshiro Masahiro
Faculty Of Engineering Ehime University
Kanoh Katsuaki
Faculty Of Engineering Ehime University
Kanetake Haruo
Sumitomo Electric Industries Co. Ltd.
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