An Adaptive Symbol Timing Synchronization Method for Multi-Mode & Multi-Service Sortware Radio Communications System
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A symbol timing synchronization method is proposed for the realization of a multi-mode and multi-service software radio receiver. The method enables an accurate search for the optimum symbol timing without any redundant hardware such as sampling rate conversion devices, when the system clock is non-integer times for the target systems' symbol rates. Accordingly, a multimode and multi-service receiver can set an arbitrary system clock for the target systems' symbol rates, and the number of A/D converters can be reduced to the minimum. Also, it may lead to a reduction of the implementation time for digital signal processing hardware, and reduce the burden on the memory in a multi-mode and multi-service software radio receiver since no sampling rate conversation is needed. The effectiveness of the proposed method for use with a multi-mode and multi-service software radio receiver for future ITS services, which are GPS (Global Positioning System), ETC (Electric Toll Collection system), and Japanese PHS (Personal Handy-phone System) is assumed, and the supposed system is evaluated by computer simulation. The jitter performance under an AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) environment is first simulated, and the necessary number of over-samples and observation symbols are defined by the value of jitter which gives a theoretical value of the BER, respectively. Moreover, the bit error rate performance under a fading environment condition where the attenuation of a signal level fluctuates more rapidly than in a noise environment is calculated, and it is shown that the proposed method enables an accurate search for the optimum synchronization timing caused by a cycle slip even if the signal level is quite low, and allows one hand set to adopt a system clock for several systems.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2001-07-01
Shirai H
Naka Fusion Research Establishment Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Harada H
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communi
Harada Hiroshi
Communications Research Laboratory, Incorporated Administrative Agency
FUJISE Masayuki
Communications Research Laboratory
Harada Hiroshi
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
Shirai Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Engineering University Of Hyogo
Harada H
Laboratory Of Medicinal Plant Science Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Science School Of Pharma
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chuo University
Sawai Ryo
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Chuo University
Fujise M
Wireless Communications Laboratory National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
Harada Hiroshi
Communications Research Laboratory Independent Administrative Institution
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