Subjective Assessment of Stored Media Synchronization Quality in the VTR Algorithm
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This paper presents results of subjective assessment of the media synchronization quality in the virtual-time rendering (VTR) media synchronization algorithm. For the assessment, stored voice and video streams were transmitted as two separate transport streams from a source to a destination on various traffic conditions in an experimental system. At the destination, they were output after synchronization control. We subjectively assessed the quality of media synchronization in a systematic way. This paper examines the effects of the difference between methods of recovery from asynchrony on the media synchronization quality. The paper also clarifies the relationships between the subjective and objective performance measures. Furthermore, it examines the offect of the difference in scene between media streams and that of the modification of the target output time on the media synchronization quality.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1999-01-25
Tasaka S
Nagoya Inst. Of Technol. Nagoya‐shi Jpn
Tasaka Shuji
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Te
Tasaka Shuji
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Ishibashi Y
Nagoya Inst. Of Technol. Nagoya‐shi Jpn
Ishibashi Yutaka
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Te
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Kaladji Fadiga
Department Of Electrical And Computer Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Kaldaji Fadiga
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
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