Analog Inverter with Neuron-MOS Transistors and Its Application(<特集>Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques and Relate)
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The analog inverter for realization of the NOT function is the indispensable circuit element in the voltage-mode analog and digital signal processing. In this paper, we propose a novel analog inverter composed of only two neuron-MOS transistors. The analog inverter has the weighted negative feedback mechanism to operate both of neuron-MOS transistors under the saturation region in all input ranges. In verification using HSPICE simulations, the analog inverter performs the high linearity with errors of approximately 40 [mV] in all input ranges, particularly errors of less than 19 [mV] in more than 90% of input ranges. And, the maximum power consumption of the analog inverter is less than 1.5 [μW] although a peak of a standard CMOS inverter is around 30 [μW] under the supply voltage of 3.0 [V]. These good stability and results are produced by the negative feedback. Furthermore, fabrication costs of the analog inverters can be kept at the minimum because neuron-MOS transistors can be actualized in a conventional CMOS process without any additional process. For applications of the analog inverter, the voltage comparator with high noise margins is designed and is applied to the two-input MAX and the two-input MIN circuits in the voltage-mode. The MAX and the MIN circuits for realization of the MAX and the MlN functions, respectively, can be composed of total ten transistors each. They also perform well in verifications. On the basis of the proposed circuits, almost all of voltage-mode multi-valued logic circuits with high-performance can be realized like present binary logic systems. And, the proposed circuits can give full play to the high linearity and advantages for the arbitrary transformation of signal forms in the analog signal processing such as the fuzzy control.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2002-02-01
TANNO Koichi
Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University
Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University
Tanno K
Miyazaki Univ. Miyazaki‐shi Jpn
丹野 浩一
Tanno Koichi
Faculty Of Engineering Miyazaki University
Miyazaki University
Ishizuka Okihiko
The Faculty Of Engineering Miyazaki University
Ishizuka Okihiko
Faculty Of Engineering Miyazaki University
Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University
Tsukuba University of Technology
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