Nonlinear Modeling by Radial Basis Function Networks (Special Section on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
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Deterministic nonlinear prediction is applied to both artificial and real time series data in order to investigate orbital-instabilities, short-term predictabilities and long-term unpredictabilities, which are important characteristics of deterministic chaos. As an example of artificial data, bimodal maps of chaotic neuron models are approximated by radial basis function networks, and the approximation abilities are evaluated by applying deterministic nonlinear prediction, estimating Lyapunov exponents and reconstructing bifurcation diagrams of chaotic neuron models. The functional approximation is also applied to squid giant axon response as an example of real data. Two methods, the standard and smoothing interpolation, are adopted to construct radial basis function networks; while the former is the conventional method that reproduces data points strictly, the latter considers both faithfulness and smoothness of interpolation which is suitable under existence of noise. In order to take a balance between faithfulness and smoothness of interpolation,cross validation is applied to obtain an optimal one. As a result,it is confirmed that by the smoothing interpolation prediction performances are very high and estimated Lyapunov exponents are very similar to actual ones, even though in the case of periodic responses. Moreover, it is confirmed that reconstructed bifurcation diagrams are very similar to the original ones.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1996-10-25
Aihara K
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Aihara K
Department Of Complexity Science And Engineering Graduate School Frontier Sciences The University Of
the Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo
AIHARA Kazuyuki
the Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
OGAWA Satoshi
the Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology,Sciene University of Tokyo
the Department of Visual Communication Design, Kyushu Institute of Design
Ikeguchi T
Department Of Information And Numerical Sciences Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Saitama
Matozaki T
Musashi Inst. Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Ogawa Satoshi
The Faculty Of Industrial Science And Technology Sciene University Of Tokyo
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