A New Inductance Extraction Technique of On-Wafer Spiral Inductor Based on Analytical Interconnect Formula(<Special Section>Microelectronic Test Structures)
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A new inductance extraction technique of spiral inductor from measurement fixture is presented. We propose a scalable expression of parasitic inductance for interconnects, and design consideration of test structure accommodating spiral inductor. The simple expression includes mutual inductance between the interconnects with high accuracy. The formula matches a commercial field solver inductance values within 1.4%. The layout of the test structure to reduce magnetic coupling between the spiral and the interconnects allows us to extract the intrinsic inductance of spiral more accurately. The proposed technique requires neither special fixture used for measurement-based method nor skilled worker for precise extraction with the analytical technique used.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2005-05-01
Shima Hideki
The Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University:(present Address)texas Instruments Japan Ltd.
Taniguchi Kenji
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
Matsuoka T
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
Matsuoka T
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Matsuoka Toshimasa
The Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Taniguchi Kenji
The Division Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
Taniguchi K
Department Of Electronics And Information Systems Osaka University
Taniguchi K
Division Of Electrical Electronics And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka
the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Taniguchi Kenji
The Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
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