A Retargetable Simulator Generator for DSP Processor Cores with Packed SIMD-type Instructions(Simulation Acceletor)(<Special Section>VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
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A packed SIMD type operation or a SIMD operation is n-parallel b/n-bit sub-operations executed by the modified n-bit functional unit. Such a functional unit is called a SIMD functional unit and a processor core which can execute SIMD operations is called a SIMD processor core. SIMD operations can be effectively applied to image processing applications. This paper focuses on hardware/software cosynthesis of SIMD processor cores and particularly proposes a new simulator generator which simulates pipelined instructions for a SIMD processor. Generally, a SIMD functional unit has many options and then we can have so many different SIMD functional unit instances. However, since our hardware/software cosynthesis system synthesizes a special-purpose processor core for an input application program, it uses very limited SIMD functional unit instances. In the proposed approach, we consider a SIMD operation to be a set of SIMD sub-operations. By adding up the appropriate SIMD sub-operations, we construct a single SIMD operation. Then a SIMD functional unit behavior can be characterized by a collection of SIMD operations. This approach has the advantage that: if we have a small number of behavior libraries for SIMD sub-operations, we can instantiate a particular SIMD functional unit behavior. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2003-12-01
Yanagisawa Masao
Department Of Internal Medicine Division Of Cardiology Nippon Medical School Tama-nagayama Hosipital
Ohtsuki T
Tokyo Univ. Sci. Noda‐shi Jpn
Department of Computer Science, Waseda University
Ohtsuki Tatsuo
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Togawa N
Univ. Kitakyushu Kitakyushu‐shi Jpn
Togawa Nozomu
The Dept. Of Computer Science Waseda University
Yanagisawa M
The Dept. Of Computer Science Waseda University
Yanagisawa Masao
Department Of Computer Science Waseda University
MIYAOKA Yuichiro
Department of Computer Science, Waseda University
Department of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering, Waseda University
CHOI Jinku
Korea Polytechnic University
CHOI Jinku
Department of Computer Engineering,Korea Polytechnic University
Choi J
Korea Univ. Seoul Kor
Ohtsuki Tatsuo
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Waseda University
Ohtsuki T
Waseda Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Ohtsuki Tomoaki
The Department Of Electrical Engineering Science University Of Tokyo
Kasahara Kyosuke
Department Of Electronics Information And Communication Engineering Waseda University
Ohtsuki T
Department Of Electrical Engineering Tokyo University Of Science
Yanagisawa Masao
Department Of Cardiology Tama-nagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
Miyaoka Yuichiro
Department Of Computer Science Waseda University
Togawa Nozomu
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Waseda University
Yanagisawa Masao
Department Of Cardiology Nippon Medical School
Masao Yanagisawa
School of Fundamental Science and Engineering Waseda University
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