Multibits/Sequence-Period Optical CDMA Receiver with Double Optical Hardlimiters(Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications)
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We propose multibits/sequence-period optical code division multiple access (MS-OCDMA) systems with double optical hardlimiters (DHL) in the presence of APD noise, thermal noise, and channel interference We apply Reed-Solomon (RS) codes to MS-OCDMA to further improve the error rate performance. We show that the MS-OCDMA receiver with DHL improves the bit error probability of MS-OCDMA systems when the received laser power is large. We also show that the performance of RS coded MS-OCDMA system is better than that of on-off keying OCDMA (OOK-OCDMA) system at the same bit rate and at the same chip rate, respectively
- 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2003-10-01
Ohtsuki Tomoaki
The Department Of Electrical Engineering Science University Of Tokyo
Ohtsuki Tomoaki
The Department Of Electrical Engineering Tokyo University Of Science
the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science
Wakafuji Kenji
The Department Of Electrical Engineering Tokyo University Of Science
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