Dynamically Programmable Paralell Processor (DPPP) : A Novel Reconfigurable Architecture with Simple Program Interface(Special Issue on Function Integrated Information Systems)
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This paper describes a new architecture-based microprocessor, a dynamically programmable parallel processor (DPPP), that consists of large numbers of simplified ALUs (sALU) as processing blocks. All sALUs are interconnected via a code division multiple-acess bus interface that provides complete routing flexibility by establishing connections virtually through code-matching instead of physical wires. This feature is utilized further to achieve high parallelism and fault tolerance. High fault tolerance is realized without the limitations of conventional fabrication-based techniques nor providing spare elements. Another feature of the DPPP is its simple programmability, as it can be configured by compiling numerical formula input using the provided user auto-program interface. A prototype chip based on the proposed architecture has been implemented on a 4.5mm × 4.5mm chip using 0.6μm CMOS process.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2001-11-01
Tan Boon-keat
Department Of Electronics And Information Systems Osaka University
Tan Boon-keat
Taniguchi Kenji
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
Matsuoka T
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
Matsuoka T
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Matsuoka Toshimasa
The Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
TAN Boon-Keat
the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
MATSUOKA Toshimasa
the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Taniguchi K
Department Of Electronics And Information Systems Osaka University
Taniguchi K
Division Of Electrical Electronics And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka
Tan B
Yoshimura R
Department Of Electronics And Information Systems Graduate School Of Eng. Osaka University
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