炎症性筋疾患の治療とアフェレシス : 封入体筋炎の概念と治療抵抗性について
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Evaluation of the effect of therapy for inflammatory myopathies should be performed under reliable clinical and laboratory criteria. The majority of cases with inflammatory myopathies fall into three major diagnostic categories : polymyositis, dermatomyositis or inclusion body myositis. Inclusion body myositis is not uncommon in Japan, especially among older patients. We should pay attention to this category of inflammatory disorder because inclusion body myositis is resistant to standard therapies for inflammatory myopathies. Apheresis used to be a good second-line treatment until the controlled double-blind stucly failed to show the therapeutic effects of plasmapheresis or leukapheresis. Now apheresis should be considered as an alternative treatment for cases that are difficult to treat using standard therapies.
- 日本アフェレシス学会の論文
- 1999-06-30
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