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An advanced ceramic pan made of a material which has far-infrared emissivity has been developed. The heating effect was investigated to verify the effectivity of heat by use of this pan during wet cooking. An experiment was carried out using conduction, convection and radiation to investigate the differences between this pan and a commercial aluminum pan. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the heat insulation effect of the pan is higher than that of the aluminum pan due to its ability to retain heat during conduction. During convection, the advanced ceramic pan produced a bubbling disturbance due to intense boiling from the surface of the ceramics and rapid convection (12 times that of the aluminum pan). During radiation, the advanced ceramic pan showed a small radiant heat quality of 26.6 kcal/h, in spite of having a high emissivity of far-infrared rays. From the above results, the heat effect of far-infrared ray can not be expected during wet heating using the advanced ceramic pan. However,with the expectation that the advanced ceramics pan can display the heat insulation effect due to its heat retention and the effect of enhancing heat transfer into a heating material due to intense boiling bubbles from the surface of the ceramics, it was recognized that it was suitable for wet-heat cooking.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1991-01-15
楠 喜久枝
三成 由美
楠 喜久枝
田中 正己
橋本 啓一
三成 由美
三成 由美
三成 由美
楠 喜久枝
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