- 論文の詳細を見る
We proposed a 3-dimensional model based on the idea that basic bodice patterns are based on the development of a 3-dimensional shell constructed from a developable surface with an unexpandable paper-like sheet. It was confirmed that the development of the 3-dimensional model conforms to basic bodice patterns. Then a classification of design methods of 18 basic bodice patterns was examnined. The results are summarized as follows: 1) It was found that 5 out of 18 basic bodice patterns are the same in width for the front and back body parts and the other basic bodice patterns have wider back body parts than front body parts. 2) It was found that 12 basic bodice patterns for back body parts and 4 front body parts conform to the plane-development of the 3-dimensional model. Three of them conform to the plane-development of the 3-dimensional model for front and back body parts. 3) It was found that 2 basic bodice patterns satisfied all our conditions for a 3-dimensional model. 4) It was presumed that the 3-dimensional shell of the basic bodice pattern, having wider back body parts than front body parts, can be explained by extending this model.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 2000-05-15
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