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Cooked rice soaked at 60℃ showed a little deterioration when it was frozen and thawed at room temperature. The relationship between the soaking temperature (25 and 60℃)of rice and the deterioration of cooked rice was studied. There were many saccharides in the water used for soaking at 60℃, and rice cooked by this method showed a small weight decrease and increase in hardness during storage at low temperature(8℃). In particular, it showed little deterioration in the hardness and stickiness at the surface of the cooked rice. However, when the soaking water was discarded and fresh water used for cooking, the cooked rice showed a marked increase in hardness during storage at low temperature(8℃). These results indicate that saccharides in soaking water inhibited the deterioration of cooked rice during storage. The elution of saccharides in to the soaking water was accelerated by combined soaking at 25 and 60℃. This combination method is recommended for cooking long-term stored rice.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 2000-02-15
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