子育てと産児制限に関する一考察 : 江戸時代の文学書や風俗史料を手掛かりに
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I'd like to explore the birth control, in particular, about the relation between abortion and child rearing in Tokugawa period. Abortion reflected degeneracy: it stemmed from rural poverty and corrupt state of urbun morality in those days. This was known by such names as ko-gaeshi, mabiki, araiko and ko-oroshi. Indeed, we can provide a rich source for exploring view dimensions such as haiku, senryu and other literary works. However I want to draw attention to various dimensions that the received neglects. Even rich persons had aborted to limit their chidren to one or two. Fertility regulation was important to maintain family system and living standard. Next, pregnant woman felt very dangerous to have a baby without good medical treatment. So she used the manual books on folklore such as "Daizassho" and "Majinaichohoki." She applied not only pregnant or birth, but contraception or abortion. People thought pregnant and abortion were not contradictory but natural to keep their community and social structure. We need integrated analysis including woman's life and consciousness, talking about fertility regulation. (Received August 14, 1995)
- 1997-02-15