外食, 調理済み・半調理済み食品, 手作り料理のイメージとその実態に関する調査研究(第1報) : イメージについて
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to clarify female student's conditions of dietary habits, and the relationship between dietary habits and the factors that regulate them. Questionnaires were replied by 430 women's university students, and 958 senior high school girl students. Part 1 is a report on the image of eating-out, ready-to-serve dishes, semi-prepared dishes, and homemade dishes. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The images of eating-out were "convenient," "happy," "atmosphere," "contains a lot of salt,""high in calories" and so on. 2) The images of ready-to-serve dishes and semi-prepared dishes were "convenient," "fast," "time-saving," "high in calories," "lacking in vegetables," "low in nutritional value," "bad for the health,""loveless" and so on. 3) The images of handmade dishes were "exquisite," "hot," "delicious," "good for the health,""reliable," "happy," "atmosphere," "affectionate," "a lot of trouble" and so on. 4) The images of handmade dishes according to group who were satisfied with their dietary habits were better than the others. 5) The images according to college students were clearer than high school students, especially in the field of economy, nutritional value, and safety. 6) A factor analysis of the date of images obtained showed seven factors. From this analysis, it is clear that the main factor is atmosphere.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1996-06-15
高田 茂樹
高田 茂樹
大矢 靖子
宮川 久邇子
宮川 久邇子
宮川 久邇子
大矢 靖子
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- 外食, 調理済み・半調理済み食品, 手作り料理のイメージとその実態に関する調査研究(第1報) : イメージについて
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