- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Eighteen kinds of vegetables were classified into following three groups by their defference in lipoxygenase activities. 1) Blanching or addtion of pyrogallol to the reaction mixture as an antioxidant inhibits liposygenase activity (cabbage, asparagus, garland chrysanthemum, chingentsuai, cucumber, carrot, squash). 2) Addition of pyrogallol prevents lipid oxidation, but blanching can not inhibit lipoxygenase activity (sweet pepper 1, sweet pepper 2, komatsuna, broccoli). 3) Addition of pyrogallol or blanching cannot inhibit the lipoxygenase activity individually, but the use of both of them inhibit the activity (welsh onion, tomato, okra, garden peas pods immature, spinach, head lettuce, kidny beans pods immature). 2. Blanching with addition of pyrogallol as an antioxidant to the reaction mixture is necessary to inhibit the lipoxygenase activity and lipid peroxidation in order to estimate more reliable values of carotene content in various vegetables.
- 1994-11-15
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