- 論文の詳細を見る
Wheat flour with high protein was bended with wheat starch to give a range of protein content of 9 to 15%. The effects of flour free lipids, shortening and fatty acids on the specific volume and the texture of bread were investigated in connection with flour protein content. Removal of flour free lipids with ethyl ether reduced the specific volume to a great extent and increased the hardness (firmness) of bread crumb. Furtheremore, the hardness was raised as flour protein content increased, whereas that of control sample lowered because of its increasing specific volume with increase in protein. The cohesiveness of the defatted sample was higher than that of control at low protein level but was lower at high protein. When bread was baked without shortening, similar but less effects were observed. The effects of the addition of fatty acids were relatively small though it increased hardness in the samples with high protein. It was concluded that the effects of these lipids on bread texture can be attributed to their interactions with gluten rather than with starch.
- 1994-10-15
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