- 論文の詳細を見る
The effect of salts in soak solution on the hardness of cooked beans was determined with new soybeans and aged soybeans. For new soybeans, bicarbonate had a prominent effect of softening. Tri- and dicarboxylates such as citrate, fumarate and oxalate were more effective than mono-carboxylates such as lactate and acetate. Alkali metals and divalent iron softened the beans, but their effects were not so great as bicarbonate or polycarboxylates. On the other hand, alkaline earth metals hardened the beans. For aged soybeans, bicarbonate and oxalate exerted more marked effect than for new soybeans. The calcium contents of soybeans soaked in salt solutions were closely correlated with the cooked hardness except for the cases of divalent iron, magnesium and bicarbonate. Aged soybeans leaked more calcium ions on soaking in water than new soybeans, but they cooked more slowly. The softening effect of sodium chloride was enhanced when soybeans were previously soaked in ferrous solutions. If the beans were soaked first in the sodium chloride solution and then in the ferrous solutions, the synergistic action of softening was not observed.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1991-05-15
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