- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present study, the effect of the egg yolk foam on the expansion of sponge cake according to the "Tomodate" method was examined with the following findings. (1) Yolk foam showed a characteristic value of texture peculiar to the batter of the "Tomodate" method. (2) It was confirmed that egg yolk foam served for expansion, provided that the expansion ratio was smaller than that of egg white foam. (3) The cake expanded with only egg yolk foam had less cohesion and was subject to crumbling. (4) Specific texture obtained from sensory evaluation of sponge cake expanded by the "Tomodate" method was caused by only the presence of two types of pores formed by expansion of the yolk and egg white foams. (5) The interaction of the yolk and egg white was necessary for preferable expansion of sponge cake.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1991-02-15
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