国際結婚から生まれた子どもの国籍選択とその影響要因 : 国際結婚を考える会の場合
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The Japanese law of nationality provides that the children who have the nationalities of both parents must choose one nationality before reaching the age of twenty two. However, this survey shows that many of these children prefer to keep their double nationality. The purpose of this research is to investigate their decision-making process and its influential factors. The questionnaire was sent to the children and parents of the association or 328 multi-cultural families in January 2003, and the samples collected from 75 children and 141 parents were analyzed. The great majority of mothers have Japanese nationality and fathers foreign nationality. The influential factors were processed by the correlation and multivariate analyses. As the result of this research, it is concluded that: 1. Most children tend to choose double nationality as they plan to work and live abroad. 2. The children who know of the Japanese law of nationality tend to choose double nationality. 3. The children whose parents educate them to live in both the Japanese and foreign way tend to choose double nationality.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 2005-01-15
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